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Need help as a lawyer? You’re bonkers!

It’s a sentiment I often hear: “Need help as a lawyer? You’re bonkers!”.

As a corporate lawyer and mother, this reaction is all too familiar for you.

People find it hard to comprehend why someone in such a high-powered profession would need any assistance.

But the reality of balancing a demanding career with the responsibilities of motherhood is far from easy, and seeking help is not just sensible – it’s essential.

The perception vs. the reality

Lawyers are often perceived as resilient and capable of handling immense pressure.

They are the pillars of justice, negotiation, and corporate governance.

Yet, behind their polished façades, there’s a reality filled with stress, long hours, and a constant struggle to balance professional and personal lives.

For mothers in the legal profession, these challenges are even more pronounced.

You juggle high-stakes cases, tight deadlines, and the unyielding demands of your careers while also managing the responsibilities of motherhood.

The notion that they, as lawyers, don’t need help is a misconception.

In truth, they are in dire need of support to sustain their careers and personal lives harmoniously.

Why seeking help matters

1. Mental health and well-being: The legal profession is notorious for its high stress levels and demanding work environments.

As mothers, this stress is compounded by the need to be present and active in your children’s lives.

Seeking support is crucial in preventing burnout, anxiety, and depression.

A fulfilled and mentally healthy lawyer is not only more productive but also more capable of providing the best possible service to clients.

2. Career longevity: Many talented female lawyers drop out of the profession mid-career due to the insurmountable pressure of balancing work and family.

By seeking and receiving support, they can continue their careers and contribute their expertise to the legal field.

This benefits not only individual lawyers but also enriches the profession with diverse perspectives and experiences.

3. Role modelling and mentorship: As corporate lawyer mothers, you serve as role models for the next generation of women in law.

Your ability to balance your careers with motherhood inspires young women to pursue their ambitions without fear of having to choose between career and family.

By seeking support, you can also provide better mentorship and guidance to younger lawyers, fostering a more inclusive and supportive legal community.

4. Enhanced client relationships: Lawyers who are fulfilled and mentally healthy are better equipped to build strong, empathetic relationships with their clients.

They can offer more comprehensive and considerate legal advice, which is particularly crucial in corporate law where the stakes are often high and the issues complex.

5. Empowering other women: As lawyers, you have the power to support and empower other women in the workplace.

You can advocate for women’s rights within companies, ensuring that women’s voices are heard and their rights are upheld.

This empowerment creates a cascading effect, benefiting every woman who works with and for you.

By seeking support, you indirectly help a larger network of women in various professions and roles.

The importance of a supportive network

To truly thrive as corporate lawyer mothers, you need a culture of understanding and flexibility within the legal profession.

This includes advocating for policies and creating networks and communities where you can share experiences, seek advice, and find mentors (this is invaluable!).

Initiatives that focus on mental health awareness and stress management can also make a significant difference.

Encouraging open conversations about the challenges of balancing work and personal life helps in destigmatizing these issues and promoting a more supportive work environment.

Yes, needing help as a lawyer might seem bonkers to some, but it is an essential part of maintaining your well-being and effectiveness.

Helping lawyers might seem bonkers to some, but to me, it is an essential endeavour.

By supporting corporate lawyer mothers, I am not only aiding individuals but also strengthening the legal profession as a whole.

These women have the right to pursue their careers without sacrificing their personal lives and well-being.

And when they thrive, everyone benefits – from their families to their clients and the broader legal community.

So, if being bonkers means championing the well-being of lawyer mothers, then bonkers I shall proudly be!

Giusy Falco, PCC ICF

My mission is to help top-tiers corporate lawyer mothers, freshly separated, juggling with a high-demanding career and day-to-day responsibilities without forcing them to choose what to give up. I want to improve the legal environment one butterfly effect at a time.