Carewashing in law firms?
Does lawyers’ well-being take a backseat? We can pretend otherwise, but those working in Corporate and M&A know that they operate at a speed sometimes… Leggi tutto »Carewashing in law firms?
Does lawyers’ well-being take a backseat? We can pretend otherwise, but those working in Corporate and M&A know that they operate at a speed sometimes… Leggi tutto »Carewashing in law firms?
What female lawyers need to know  The legal industry constantly evolves, with new trends shaping the landscape. For female lawyers, understanding these trends is… Leggi tutto »Legal industry trends #1
How to plan, take, and return without compromising career progress  Navigating maternity leave as a corporate lawyer is a daunting challenge, especially when balancing… Leggi tutto »Navigating maternity leave in the legal world
e scattare foto al paesaggio Se mi chiedessero com’è lavorare nel Corporate e M&A, la descrizione probabilmente sarebbe questa: la strada che percorri ogni giorno… Leggi tutto »Come costruire un paradiso legale
Choosing the right law firm to apprentice with is a pivotal decision that can shape your legal career. And fast forward, your entire life (better… Leggi tutto »Trainee guide: how to pick a law firm to apprentice with – part 1
Transitioning from an associate to a partner in a Magic Circle law firm is a challenging yet rewarding journey, especially for female corporate lawyers. I’ve… Leggi tutto »Transitioning from Associate to Partner: a guide for corporate lawyer mothers