Job creepers: l’incubo dei mid-associate
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Legal evolution: why AFAs (Alternative Fee Arrangements) could be the game-changer you need in your career and Firm
As a corporate or M&A lawyer, you’ve likely spent countless hours tracking time to meet the billable requirements at your Firm. It’s exhausting, isn’t it?… Leggi tutto »Legal evolution: why AFAs (Alternative Fee Arrangements) could be the game-changer you need in your career and Firm
Afraid of the phone? Let’s talk M&A like pros!
In the whirlwind world of M&A, effective communication is as essential as a good cup of tea in autumn —but surprisingly, many Gen Z lawyers… Leggi tutto »Afraid of the phone? Let’s talk M&A like pros!
Need help as a lawyer? You’re bonkers!
It’s a sentiment I often hear: “Need help as a lawyer? You’re bonkers!”. As a corporate lawyer and mother, this reaction is all too familiar… Leggi tutto »Need help as a lawyer? You’re bonkers!
Come costruire un paradiso legale
e scattare foto al paesaggio Se mi chiedessero com’è lavorare nel Corporate e M&A, la descrizione probabilmente sarebbe questa: la strada che percorri ogni giorno… Leggi tutto »Come costruire un paradiso legale